Friday, March 13, 2009

It's official!

As of today at 12:00 noon central time, we are officially "expecting to adopt"! :-) All of our things were turned in with the agency. The exit interview was an answered prayer....relatively painless. The Big Prince and I enjoyed some couple time afterward at a favorite restaurant and now I am blogging away in the rain, waiting to pick the Little Prince up in carpool at school.

I am so at ease about this . I feel just the way I did when we were adopting Grayson and the world around me was in turmoil. My BFF Carol was sick with nerves the whole time. Not me! I was safe and secure. I feel the exact same way. This is going to be smooth. Now, I am saying all of this and we have not even been shown to a birthmother yet.....but, the agency has already completed 9 adoptions in 2009 with four more expected by the end of March. These are all newborns. Those are pretty good odds.

We left our application open to either boy or girl. Some things just need to be decided by God. (of course my mother is fervently praying over the 4 bags of pink in the top of my brother's closet.... but that's another story!) I am excited and relieved. Just think.....somewhere out there my baby is riding around in a birthmother's tummy. She's wondering what she's gonna do. Our album is there waiting and when she sees it, she will know. I wonder who this precious soul will be?

Life is good right now. New beginnings are always exciting to me.....

Brad asked on the way home if I've thought of names's that for ready?

Better find the baby name book, Princess.....better find the book......

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