Saturday, November 14, 2009

Being Thankful............

Lately, on Facebook, lots of people have been posting a thankful status update and are challenging everyone to do so each day until Thanksgiving.....

Made me start to think about being thankful...........

I am thankful for my parents. I am thankful that they are moving forwand in life and that we can all talk about Brandon and laugh and smile and still sometimes cry. But I am thankful that they are beginning to be able to function again....

I am thankful that each and every time I think about Brandon, I see him with a smile and I can still hear his laugh......I pray that I always will be able to do so.....

I am thankful for The Big Prince and the Little Prince....and all that being a wife and mommy entails.......

I am thankful that barring a catastrophy, I will spend another Thanksgiving surrounded by my grandparents and our large and loud family....and that this year we have another little one to love. My cousin's son, Ryder Brandon O'Neal Page will spend his first Thanksgiving with us......

I am thankful that I love the school where I teach (and where the Little Prince goes to school) and that I have the best co-workers and Principal and that our commute to school is only 5 minutes.......

I am thankful that when I awake in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep (which happens more often than not) I hear a whisper in my head to pray, and I do pray for an ever increasing list of friends and family.....and I am thankful that God still works miracles and we get to see them.......

I am thankful that my sweet friend Jennifer is still healthy and happy carrying the miracle twins, nestled safe under her heart, given life through the amazing process of embryo adoption.....

I am thankful that our sweet adoption agency is working hard to find the right baby for us to love........

I am thankful that a random reporter from the Tuscaloosa News called us last week and will run a 3 part article featuring us as an adoptive couple (the other parts will be from the perspective of an adopted person and of a birthmother) and they have agreed to include our email address! The article runs tomorrow.....

I am thankful for Fall Break which begins for 10 glorious days next Friday at 3 pm.....

For this and so much more, so thankfull thankful.......

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and of course the personal part!!! I am so thankful for our friendship as well. You have know idea the comfort and peace of mind just knowing that you are a phone call or a few hours drive away gives me!!!

    Please send me a link to the article!!! I would love to read it!!!

