Yesterday was my birthday. My school children had a party for me the day before in the school cafeteria. Complete with a beautiful rendition of "Happy Birthday" and cards and gifts. It was awesome. My sweet room mom, Sarah Jane, made delicious chocolate brownies with M&M's on top and candles scattered all around. The children asked how old I was......5 was my reply......
When it was time to blow out the candles....I realized with sudden clarity....that I
had.nothing.to.wish.for...... :-)
After 12+ years of every birthday wish, every prayer, every wish upon a star, every see a shooting star and make a wish, every Thanksgiving when my Aunt Sarah would save the wishbone just for me (and tell me each year that I would get my wish, no matter what side of the wishbone I happened to be holding)....after really beliving that maybe, just maybe...wishes do come true at Disney...after all of that...after all of the miscarriages...and the agonizing years upon years of infertility....that I had nothing left to wish for....because......suddenly I realized that....I have it all.
I have awesome parents and a wonderful husband who loves me more than he should. I have the beautiful, smart and funny Little Prince, and finally, I have the gorgeous, always happy (unless she is in her carseat on a long trip) Little Princess. I live in a country where I am free to choose......whatever it is that I should want to choose.....I have a place that I can run to when I need to see the ocean....I have a job that I love in a school that rocks and that keeps me on my toes. I have lots of good friends and a handful of best ones that love me unconditionally. I have a large, loud, loving extended family. I have a nice home in a safe neighborhood...I have a fantastic church with a children's ministry that is out of this world. I have two pups that live to do nothing more than lay at my feet....I have a brother who watches over me while he's walking in Heaven....
So today.....this day after my 42 birthday.....for the rest of my life....I am choosing joy. I am choosing contentment.....I am choosing to be grateful.....and I am praying that even in contentment, that I never forget the sacrifices of those who went before so that I could be free in a country that I love....and the awesome sacrifices of the two birthmothers who chose LIFE....who chose LOVE.....who chose ME.......so that my every wish could be fulfilled..........
A dream is a wish your heart makes Princess.....it really is.......
I Love You and am so, so happy for you!!!