In the past few weeks I have been reminded of how very lucky I am. One of the blessings of facebook is that I can reconnect with friends and even long lost family members. I have reunited with people that were friends of my brother, and I can instantly get updates and send messages to friends who need a word of comfort or of cheer.
I have two sorority sisters who have loved ones in grave medical situations right now and I just wish that I would have had facebook while Brandon was in the hospital. It would have helped us to share news of his condition in one easy click of the mouse.
Today, I attended the funeral of the father of our school secretary. I did not personally know the gentleman, but his daughter Anne, is the glue that holds our school together. Some co-workers and I drove two hours to the funeral together to support Anne. I remember from Brandon's funeral how important it was to me to see friends from all stages of our lives. The shock at times of seeing people I hadn't seen in ages and the realization that they came because they cared. That is important. More important than I realized before. When you have people in your life and they lose someone close to is important to show that you care, even when you might not have known their loved one personally.
As I stood graveside today in the fall air, hearing the wind rustle the leaves in the branches, I looked around at all of the school friends who were there to support Anne....and I thought, "these are my people".......
When I came home and checked facebook to see about my friends medical situations, one of our sisters had posted a message asking God to bless us all as we shared in the fights our friends were going through.....and again I thought, "these are my people"...........
The economy may be in the toilet, the government is more screwy than ever, most of us at one time or another are pointing fingers and tossing blame over one thing or another.....
But when you get right down to it......all that really your people.....
and I for one am glad that I have people........