Today is July 22.........
23 years ago today Brandon was 14 years old. He was 6ft. 2 inches and weighed 220 pounds.
23 years ago today he was in the accident that robbed him of his childhood, his innocence.......and his ability to walk......
in 5 days it will be July 27.......
2 years from the day that Brandon went to the hospital for yet another surgery (too many by now to count)to repair something else gone wrong from that heinous accident......
in 6 weeks, the 2 year anniversary of his death will sucker punch us in the stomach once again......
Saturday he should be attending the class reunion of the graduating class of 1990 with his sweet wife Jada.....but he won't be......because he was taken from us way too soon.....and on Saturday, Jada will become someone else's sweet wife.......
Numbers............It's all about the numbers Princess....all about the numbers.....and I for one, always hated math........
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