So on Thursday night, December 17, while I was bemoaning the fact that I had to go to school a full 2 days later than the rest of the free world (we got out on December 22nd at 3 pm, thank-you-very-much...)I got a text from "D", who told me that our birthmother "T" had been in the HOSPITAL since Tuesday and was very sick and would I please call her......uhhhhh, yeah........
(the reason that she had not let me know earlier is that Landon, "T's" 20 month old, had lost the cell phone with my numbers......) Just another reason that reinforces why I never let the Little Prince play with my car keys or my cell phone....
I call "T" and she sounds pitiful....and then she drops the bombshell.....they (the dr's) think it "might" be her gall bladder and if so, they will induce in a day or so and then remove her gallbladder after the baby delivers..... "T" says, "Pack a bag, your baby girl is coming soon....."
They are going to do an ultrasound later on that night (it was already 8 pm) and they should know by morning if they will deliver, most likely on Tuesday morning, December much as I want this baby out (I feel like the longer it takes the greater chance of "T" changing her mind.... 'cause remember, this is not my first rodeo...." I am in a whirl over the possibility that I will have to be away from the Little Prince on Christmas.....not that he would mind, what with all the million and five or so cousins he has to play with, along with the undivided attention he would get from Gran and Grandaddy.....but still.....
I start washing clothes and packing bags and PANIC.SETS.IN.......
My mother wants me to get int he car and GO! JUST GO! But I am being calm even though the is SETTING.IN.......
The rest of the story coming soon.....I promise.....
Gotta go clean out some more stuff...cause the Princess is nesting, I tell you.....Nesting......
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