Today the Little Prince had a baseball game at the un-imaginable hour of 8:30 am on a Saturday. It was a bit chilly but a nice start to the day. The Blue Angels are in town today, flying around overhead. Quite amazing. And, because everyone was at the Blue Angles show, I could zip around town with no traffic what-so-ever!
After the game (which they won, by the way) we went to Sam's for dog food, cleaning supplies, and printer cartridges for the school printer. I tried to make it to the end of the year with the cartridge I have now....but Friday, it bit the dust. Right in the middle of printing a very important document. Why don't they make black cartridges twice as large as the colored ones....Oh.well. That will be one less thing I have to purchase in August when school starts back.
Spring Break is in 5 school days. I just might live.
After dropping Big and Little off at home, I went to a favorite, yet seldom visited, refuge...the Public Library. I need to make time to go more often. It is soothing to me to wander about the stacks, peeking and poking into lives (real and imaginary) that are not my own. Perhaps that is why I like reading other people's blogs. :-) I spent the better part of my youth in the library. I used to read the encyclopedias when I ran out of things to read at home. Shutting my eyes and randomly selecting a volume and reading the interesting bits.....cover to cover....Brandon and I were always really great at, from the just came naturally for him...
Since today was the first Saturday of the month, I grabbed on of my lovely re-usable grocery bags (last year's New Year's resolution) purchased from, and wandered over to the Friends Bookstore. This little niche is a bookstore for discarded books, donated books, etc...and is attached to the library. Today was Stuff a Sack Saturday!
If it is one thing I love love's books! I stuffed my quite ample sack full of bits of fluff and serious reads and paid $15 for the whole I-could-barely-carry-it-because-it-was-so-full thing! I love Stuff a Sack Saturdays! I can take the books to the pool or beach and not have to worry about messing them up with sunscreen or returning them on time. I read so fast that I rarely purchase new books (unless they are for my class library). So, I go to Stuff a Sack days, fill up my gargantuan shopping bag and read til my heart is content. I spent the entire rest of the day on the sofa in the playroom and I read an entire book.....oh, and I took an incredibly long nap. I feel almost human again.
In a week or so, I'll gather up the books I've read and drop them off in the drop box at the Friends Bookstore. They will sell them all over again! The ones I just love get passed on to friends or stuffed in my ever-overflowing bookshelves. The others, back to Friends so they can resell them to other book lovers. Brillant! I love this process. It's sorta like my own personal Netflix for books.
I also turned the iphone to silent and left it in the kitchen. I checked out of the world today until about 7 pm. Nice. When I came up from the basement playroom (where I had napped and read a way the day) I caught a glimpse of Grayson's moses basket in the guest room....just waiting for our new baby......I smiled. We are going to have another baby. Sooner rather than later.....
Today also marks the 7 month anniversary of my brother's death. My parents were "normal" when I talked to them today. I know that none of us have forgotten, but they were not hysterical today and for that I am thankful. It's the burden of being an only child that I do not want for myself or my own child.....Life is too involved to have to make decisions on your own. I dread the time when I have to make decisions about my parents and Brandon is not here to back me up or help me. When I think about it, I pretend I am Scarlett and push it away to deal with on another day. I know that "another day" is coming but I pray it is far away and that I will feel like an adult when it gets here....
Daddy is actually looking online at condos on the Gulf. An on again off again dream of his......maybe it is time.....
Currently, Big is grilling hamburgers and Little is watching Bolt....and I am having a rare "big Girl" drink...and right now.....I............I can finally breathe.............for now..............
a whole lotta thankful today Princess.....a whole lotta thankful...............
I just know Brandon is so busy in Heaven watching over your beautiful family and finding the PERFECT baby to fill your hearts and home. When he finds just the right one(s), you will get the phone call. Hopefully, soon after your phone rings, mine will too and we can shout out praise together!!! Hugs!!!