Friday, March 27, 2009

Two weeks.....

We've been "officially waiting" for two weeks today. I wish I knew who has looked at our book (if anyone...) the agency said that we can call for an update each month or so (her words). She clearly does not know that that's my invitation to call EACH month on the dot to see what's going on. Ha!

I am trying to be patient.

This week has been really hard for me. We are two weeks away from spring break and I am literally It is not the's me. I am reliving last spring and summer with a bit of panic. Grayson is playing baseball on the same exact field with the same coach and lots of the same kids. I am having flashbacks to conversations I had with my sister in law, Jada, last year at this time while Grayson was playing ball. She and my brother Brandon had just started their infertility assessments and I remember saying. "Oh Jada! I just know you are going to be pregnant by October!" Little did we know that my sweet, gentle, loving, teddy bear of a brother would have been dead a month in October. See where I'm coming from? Awful.

I have the most precious class. They are darling and sweet and love me so much. They have truly been God's gift to me this year. Amazing when you look back on it that He would speak straight to my Principal's hand as she was making class roles to give me just this division of the upcoming kindergartners. Their parents are wonderful, too. I would have had to quit if they were not so sweet.

I'm trying to get myself out of this.....this...whatever it is.......I feel like I can't breathe......

Can't stop the drownin', Princess.....can't stop the drownin'

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's official!

As of today at 12:00 noon central time, we are officially "expecting to adopt"! :-) All of our things were turned in with the agency. The exit interview was an answered prayer....relatively painless. The Big Prince and I enjoyed some couple time afterward at a favorite restaurant and now I am blogging away in the rain, waiting to pick the Little Prince up in carpool at school.

I am so at ease about this . I feel just the way I did when we were adopting Grayson and the world around me was in turmoil. My BFF Carol was sick with nerves the whole time. Not me! I was safe and secure. I feel the exact same way. This is going to be smooth. Now, I am saying all of this and we have not even been shown to a birthmother yet.....but, the agency has already completed 9 adoptions in 2009 with four more expected by the end of March. These are all newborns. Those are pretty good odds.

We left our application open to either boy or girl. Some things just need to be decided by God. (of course my mother is fervently praying over the 4 bags of pink in the top of my brother's closet.... but that's another story!) I am excited and relieved. Just think.....somewhere out there my baby is riding around in a birthmother's tummy. She's wondering what she's gonna do. Our album is there waiting and when she sees it, she will know. I wonder who this precious soul will be?

Life is good right now. New beginnings are always exciting to me.....

Brad asked on the way home if I've thought of names's that for ready?

Better find the baby name book, Princess.....better find the book......

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Almost Officially Waiting.....

Tomorrow we are going to A Angel Adoptions, our agency, to turn in our Dear Birthmother album and have our final exit interview.....
Wow! We will then be officially waiting! Just six months ago the Big Prince finally agreed that our family was not complete and he let me have my wish - to adopt through an agency.

The adoption of the Little Prince was an independent adoption (meaning someone who knew us also knew his Birthmother and put us in contact with one another). A wonderful lawyer handled all of the specifics.

Since then, we've had so many "almost" situations. I could not go through the "almost" again. I know that with ANY adoption there is a risk, but having done the independent route and having so many other independent situations fall through....I wanted the security of an agency.

Our agency only works with a small number of couples at a time. This is a good thing for all involved! I have a list of questions a mile long and I need to finish the last little bits of fluff on the album. I can't wait! I am almost jumping out of my skin with anticipation!

Wishin' for a short wait, Princess.....wishin' for a short wait!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Forward, Good Bye Flu!

The little prince has had the flu this week. He was so pitiful. He had fever on Monday and I took him home from school by 9 am. Luckily, the big prince is still on a modified work schedule due to his ankle surgery in February, so he could keep him at home. Tuesday's diagnosis...the flu! The prince missed a whole week of school, but he and his daddy got to spend a whole week bonding and loving. They are both rotten and it will be hard to get either of them off to work and school on Monday!

Today was a glorious spring day! We opened up all the windows and let the air just pour in. Good bye flu germs! I cannot believe that just a week ago we had tornadoes on Friday and snow on Saturday and Sunday! Now the temperatures are in the 70's! Tonight the time springs forward, and I am ready to move on with a new beginning. There are only 50 school days left. I love love love this little class so dearly. I hate to see them go, but I also want this year behind me. The Lord knew I needed them this year. Hardly a complaint about any of them. And I truly love each and every one. It's not always like that. I know that God gave this special class to me so I could actually get up and go to work each day and find joy again. They help heal my heart. This week was also 6 months since I lost my brother, Brandon. It has been a hard week.

One good thing is that we got the call from the adoption agency and we will be making the appointment on Monday for our exit interview and to turn in our Dear Birthmother album. It is truly a time for new beginnings.

Better look forward Princess......better look forward.........

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow in the Deep South!

Well, it finally happened! We got about 1 1/2 inches of snow in the Deep South! It has not snowed here in ever-so-long. The Prince, in fact, has never seen real snow before today. He's just seen a few individual flakes in the air. It was lovely, and the best thing is that the roads were warm enough that it did not stick. This is important because in the Deep South....we cannot drive in any kind of frozen stuff! We just never see it enough!

I wish it would have waited to snow on Monday so I could experience it with the classroom children as well. I may just let them use the snowy puppet and sing the snowy song during calendar math tomorrow....when else will we get the opportunity? It will be 70* by the end of the week.......

Better make a snowball to put in the freezer Princess.....better make a snowball.....